Through a one health approach, Dr. Angelica Pinna-Perez and her international team works directly with individuals and organizations, supporting co-imagining and actualizing anti-colonial/anti-capitalist shared environments and somatics (embodied change) while divesting from worker exploitation,
(white supremacy centered productivity) in order to disrupt multiple systems (arts industrial complex, medical industrial complex and higher education system) that perpetuate ableism, discrimination and oppression, directly impacting equity, opportunity, and quality of life. Specializing in covid aware living for health professionals and artists.
Dear Radical
We can change, not by re-creating more of the same but by co-imaging y/our shared world and living y/our visions for a safer world.
I support individuals and organizations in going beyond the oppressive systems we currently exist in while living y/our shared social justice values for collective liberation which includes, psychological, social, societal and ecological well being.
Because everything is deeply interconnected.
Thriving Resistance
My decoloniality and anti-oppressive values reinforce y/our radical evolution by rejecting adaptation for survival and laboring for the abolition of harmful systems while co-creating shared spaces.
Together, we center sustainable and regenerative psych-social-political action for collective liberation, co-creating more equitable and just environments.
Joyful Militancy
we can reduce harm...
we can have integrity in y/our care-frontations for transformative justice...
we can disrupt abusive systems and beliefs which further entrench violence and colonial dynamics....
Let's co-create response/ability for ourselves, each other and the planet, together!
Solidarity always & in all ways
As a consultant, coach, educator, and public speaker, I practice with purpose and believe personal and systemic transformation are inseparable.
We will de-center the Eurocentric, patriarchal, prescriptive, top down “expert-stance” and work collaboratively towards more intersectional and culturally affirming co-imaginings for what is possible and actionable.
Through response/ability (the ability to respond) and reclaiming our aliveness, we will co-imagine a world where radical evolution is possible through relational care of ourselves, each other and the planet.
"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing."
Arundhati Roy
Dr. Angelica Pinna-Perez
DBA Cervitude Consulting
Contact Info
International Office
Oristano, Sardegna, Italia