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We poudly introduce the
collective action endeavors
co-creating y/our Cervitude Circle:
Yellow CervCounselling Logo with a woman smiling


blue cervcoalition logo with 2 women using speaker microphones and a man holding up a sign that says justice 4 all


green cervcreativity logo with woman standing in the clouds


grey cervcluster with 5 people working together



What is Cervitude?

A constellation of care

“I want to draw a map, so to speak, of a critical geography and use that map to open as much space for discovery, intellectual adventure, and close exploration as did the original charting of the New World—without the mandate for conquest.”

- Toni Morrison

two people looking out into the stars in the night

Our Cervitude Circle is a constellation of collective action endeavors co-creating anti-oppressive healing centered opportunities to work toward the abolition of systemic and internalized oppression.

It is comprised of 5 "worlds" connected by a radical vision, co-imagined in social justice activism and the need for co-created healing centered living with, by and for people living with & thriving beyond complex trauma.

blue cervcoalition planet
grey cervcluster planet
green cervcreativity planet
red cervconsulting planet
yellow cervcounselling planet
Geometric Star Wireframe

We remind each other that y/our darkest night is still full of stars that can guide us through to a new day.


We orient ourselves by gravitating towards liberatory practices with community care as our true north.


Our attitude of service is dedicated to forming constellations of care by co-creating safer spaces of belonging and connection for healing. 

We are proud to cerv our shared communities!

Our Common Thread

With over 25 years of professional experience, Angelica co-creates trauma aware, culturally affirming healing centered engagement through the utilization of radical imagination, critical creativity, and anti-oppressive liberatory whole-istic health practices.


She is a therapist, educator, creative and social action activist. Angelica’s presence within the cervitude circle constellation is cultivated with care and response/ability.


Her collaborative relationships center decolonial action, embodies ancestral wisdom, nurtures curiosity and compassion, and co-creates community care, in order to work under, with and through trauma of all forms. 

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She is committed to the use of narrative to understand, re-frame, and make meaning of suffering, trauma and oppression in individual and social contexts in order to re/claim and re/center joy with re/generative practices for life affirming experiences.

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Her labor focuses on the whole-istic health of individuals; our shared intersectional communities; and the planet.

Intuitive, authentic and kind, she is committed to working with individuals and communities in the shared fight to heal the effects of ongoing trauma.

Portrait photo of Angelica Pinna-Perez
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Hands covered in paint forming the shape of a heart

Her approach is shaped by Liberation, Ecological, and Indigenous psychologies, human rights discourse, and anti colonial/capitalist practices.

These endeavors combine her life's work, now connected as a constellation of care.


We are grateful for y/our participation and support of these offerings for systemic change, personal transformation and community care.

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